Sample Letters
Below are actual examples of letters sent by Caltech volunteers to classmates that they were unable to reach by phone.
FYI: The Alumni Fund will reimburse volunteers for mail and telephone costs they may incur.
Sample 1
Dear John:
I've been unable to reach you by phone so am writing to ask you to make a gift to the Caltech Alumni Fund this year.
As you know, the fund supports Institute operations including faculty salaries, scholarships ans support services (someone has to pay the janitor and roof repairman.)
Large donors and university ranking organizations use alumni participation as a measure of how alums value their alma mater.
Many of us feel that our Tech experience gave an extra boost to our careers and incomes and wish to return a portion. I hope you feel the same. As a fellow alumnus of Caltech's ME Department I ask you to make a donation to the Fund.
Caltech and I thank you,
P.S. Please take advantage of employer gift match programs
Sample 2
It's Caltech Alumni Fund time. Can we count on you for a generous contribution again this year? Your long standing support of Caltech and its activities is greatly appreciated.
Sample 3
Dear James,
It has been 60 years since we were first entering Caltech as freshmen. It was an exciting, demanding, and rewarding year. I appreciate the education and training from Caltech more and more as the years go by; that is the reason for this letter.
I am writing to you on behalf of the Caltech Alumni Fund and asking for your support of the 19xx Fund year. Participation has increased markedly and our class of 19- is over 50%. Last year was a truly outstanding year.
Please join the majority of our class and help support the excellent work that is so typical of Caltech. Our support is one way of helping maintain Caltech as one of the top schools in the United States and perhaps the world.
Sample 4
Dear Sam,
I am writing you on behalf of the Caltech Alumni Fund, and hope that this letter reaches you. I have tried to reach you by phone several times and have sent e-mail to your address at, but seems that we just couldn't connect. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to reach you in person.
We are into the 19xx Fund Year, and I am writing to ask that you think about giving to the Fund again this year. Your generosity last year helped Caltech achieve one of the highest percentages for alumni giving in the nation, which reflects on the ranking given to the Institute in the annual college ratings conducted by major newspapers and magazines. This in turn helps Caltech to continue to attract top students and faculty.
I hope that you will consider matching or increasing your $40 pledge of last year.